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NetApp Knowledge Base

Performance issues on ethernet networks when the e0m management interface is on the same subnet as production traffic

Last Updated:

Applies to

Data ONTAP 7

Data ONTAP 8 (7-mode)


Check Active IQ if this impacts your systems

Network performance over ethernet networks after reboot/maintenance has degraded. 

Slow backup and transfer issues are reported on a storage system when performing the following backup and transfers:

  • NDMP backup
  • SnapMirror transfer
  • SnapVault transfer

Messages and EMS logs will warn with the following messages (IPv4 or/and IPv6 accordingly):

[netapp: netmon_main: net.if.mgmt.sameSubnet:warning]: ifconfig: IP address 'x.x.x.x' configured on dedicated management port 'e0M' is on the same subnet as IP address 'x.x.x.x' configured on data port Prod1. Management IP addresses must be on dedicated management subnets.

[net.if.mgmt.defaultGateway:warning] route: Static or default route with gateway 'x.x.x.x' is targeted to dedicated management interface 'e0M'. Data traffic using this route might be throttled due to low bandwidth, or dropped if a protocol filter is configured.


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