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Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Data ONTAP 8 7-mode
  • callhome.dsk.label
  • callhome.fdsk.label
    • raid.config.filesystem.disk.bad.label

Event Summary

  • This message occurs when a disk drive fails due to unexpected RAID metadata.
  • Usually caused by adding non-zeroed drives that were previously used in a different ONTAP OS.
  • The drives have not truly failed. Due to the mismatch of ONTAP versions, the disks show up as bad label failed.
[Node Name: config_thread: callhome.dsk.label:alert]: Call home for DISK BAD LABEL


Event Log

event log show -severity * -Message-name *bad.label*

Fri Apr 29 14:11:31 +0200 [Node Name: config_thread: raid.assim.disk.nolabels:EMERGENCY]: Disk 0d.23.17 Shelf 23 Bay 17 [NETAPP X357_S163A3T8ATE NA51] S/N [S394NA0J219221] UID [5002538A:072721E0:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000] has no valid labels. It will be taken out of service to prevent possible data loss.

Fri Apr 29 14:11:31 +0200 [Node Name: config_thread: raid.config.disk.bad.label:notice]: Disk 0d.23.17 Shelf 23 Bay 17 [NETAPP X357_S163A3T8ATE NA51] S/N [S394NA0J219221] UID [5002538A:072721E0:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000] has bad or missing data on label.

Command Line

storage disk show -broken

::> storage disk show -broken
Original Owner: node1                                                     
  Checksum Compatibility: block
                                                                          Usable Physical
    Disk            Outage Reason HA Shelf Bay Chan   Pool  Type    RPM     Size     Size
    --------------- ------------- ------------ ---- ------ ----- ------ -------- --------
    1.1.0           bad label  0b     1   0    A  Pool0  FCAL  10000  132.8GB  133.9GB
    1.2.6           bad label  0b     2   6    A  Pool1  FCAL  10000  132.8GB  134.2GB
Original Owner: node2
  Checksum Compatibility: block
                                                                          Usable Physical
    Disk            Outage Reason HA Shelf Bay Chan   Pool  Type    RPM     Size     Size
    --------------- ------------- ------------ ---- ------ ----- ------ -------- --------
    1.1.0           bad label  0a     1   0    B  Pool0  FCAL  10000  132.8GB  133.9GB
    1.1.13          bad label  0a     1  13    B  Pool0  FCAL  10000  132.8GB  133.9GB


The following action plan assumes that the disks are not critical data disks being migrated to the new system. Verify that the disks in question do not store production data. 
  1. Unfailing the drives
  1. Unfail the drives to return them to the spare pool

::> priv set advanced
::*> storage disk unfail -s <disk_name>

  1. Repeat the above steps as many times as needed to unfail the remaining drives
  2. Check to see if the recently unfailed drives show up in the spare pool

::*> storage aggr status -s

  1. The next step will be to clear the bad label by Zeroing the drives

::*> storage disk zerospares -owner <nodename>

  • The bad labels will clear once the disk zero is complete

Additional Information

Common causes for this AutoSupport Message:

Drive sanitization was applied to the drives Disks are not owned or report a Bad label after running the disk sanitize release command
MetroCluster IP-  "Bad Label" immediately after running "metrocluster configuration-settings connection connect" Disk bad label after "metrocluster configuration-settings connection connect"


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