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NetApp Knowledge Base

What is the difference between iDRAC Express and iDRAC Enterprise and how to configure?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Dell iDRAC Express
  • Dell iDRAC Enterprise
  • SolidFire AFA models (SF#### series nodes) use Dell iDRAC for console / out of band system management


  • The iDRAC Express version is the free bundled version that comes with the product
  • The Express version allows most iDRAC Enterprise features except a Dedicated NIC and an easy to use KVM java console
  • The Express version also uses a shared NIC setup by leveraging one of the on-board 1GbE ports
  • The advantages of the Enterprise version is that it allows you to setup iDRAC over the Dedicated iDRAC/NIC and allows easy to use KVM java console access

Additional Information

Here is an iDRAC Licensing White Paper that has good information on configuring iDRAC Enterprise licensing:


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