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What are the password requirements for iDRAC and BMC on SolidFire/HCI node?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp Solidfire
  • NetApp HCI H410


The password requirements can be confirmed from the iDRAC/BMC web page.
  • iDRAC on SF-series 
Overview -> iDRAC Setings -> User Authentication ->click one User ID -> click Configure User -> Next ->click the question mark and it shows:
Field or Option Description
User ID Displays the selected user ID. This field is read-only.
Enable User Select this option to provide iDRAC user access.
User Name Enter a unique user name. It can contain up to 16 characters including whitespace. The following characters are supported:
  • 0-9
  • A-Z
  • a-z
  • Special characters: +, %, ), >, :, $, [, |, !, &, =, *, , , -, {, ], §, #, (, ?, <, ;, _, }, I, ^

If the user name is changed, the new name appears in the Web interface only after the next user login.

Change Password Select this option to change the password for an existing user. If you are configuring a new user, this option is disabled.
New Password Enter a password with up to 20 characters. The characters are masked. The following characters are supported:
  • 0-9
  • A-Z
  • a-z
  • Special characters: +, &, ?, >, -, }, |, ., !, (, ', ,, _, [, ", @, #, ), *, ;, $, ], /, §, %, =, <, :, {, 


  • BMC on H610S

Setting ->User Management ->click root ->click the question mark and it shows: (password does not contain white-space character)

BMC passowrd requirement.png

  • BMC on H410

Configuration ->Users ->click User ID ->click Modify User and it shows:

Password requirements:
- Require password length: 8 to 19 characters
- Password can not be reverse of the user name
- Password must include characters from at least 3 of the listed character classes
- Allowed character classes
 - a - z
 - A - Z
 - 0 - 9
 - Special characters


Additional Information



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