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What is changing with SolidFire Active IQ alert notification emails?

Last Updated:

Applies to

SolidFire Active IQ


  • In an effort to cut down on the number of emails sent out, SolidFire Active IQ (AIQ) will now be grouping notification emails together based on alert policy.
  • All initial alerts will be grouped together based on the set severity of the email policy.
  • All alerts triggered for the same policy within the following windows will be grouped together.
    • 1 minute for critical policies
    • 5 minutes for error policies
    • 10 minutes for warning policies
    • 20 minutes for info policies
  • In addition to initial alerts all email reminders will be grouped together so that only a single reminder is sent out per policy per day.
  • Email reminders will also now have a tiered "back off" so that older active alerts are not sending reminders as often.
    • Alerts younger than a week will still send out daily reminders.
    • Alerts older than a week but younger than a month will send out weekly reminders.
    • Alerts older than a month will send out monthly reminders.
  • Grouped emails will look very similar to before but with a few notable differences.
    • The subject line will now display a format like this (even for single alerts)
      • `Policy Name detected 3 alert(s) on [Cluster1, Cluster2] (Error)`
    • The head of the email will now contain a list of clusters and the number of alerts triggered for each cluster
      • (1) Cluster1
        (5) Cluster2
    • Each alert will then be listed as before with an Index number preceding the alert info
      • Alert: 1 of 3<br>
        <b>Status: Alert Notification</b><br>
        Alert ID: 4281c825-0b99-4bbd-9fa0-0a69ceb8b42d<br>
        Alert Policy: The Policy Name<br>
        Severity: RedAlert<br>
        Cluster: <a href=>TheClusterName</a><br>
        Occurrence Time: 2023-09-18 20:14:21 UTC<br>

        Notification Time: 2023-09-18 20:14:21 UTC<br>
        <li>driveID: <a href=>1234</a></li>
        Additional Detail:
        <li>ding: dong</li>
        <li>nodeID: <a href=>3747</a></li>
        Historical Detail: This alert has occurred 42 times in the last 30 days.<br>
        <a href=>Alerts for this Cluster</a><br>


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