Intermittently memoryUsageThreshold errors
Applies to
- NetApp SolidFire Storage Nodes
- NetApp H Series Storage Nodes
During a planned network maintenance outage, the following error may appear in the NetApp SolidFire Cluster GUI Event and Active IQ Error logs on one or multiple nodes
- Type: node
- Error Code: memoryUsageThreshold
- Details: System memory is very low. Adding additional nodes or manually purging deleted volumes may help reduce memory usage.
The Active IQ Event log may show the following:
- Type: clusterMasterEvent
- Message: Cluster Master was unable to restart the API Server.
- Details: { "currentStack": "", "exceptionCode": "xDBSessionExpired", "streamDetails": 1, "throwFile": "ms/ClusterMaster.cpp", "throwFunction": "void solidfire::ClusterMaster::OnAPIVersionChanged(solidfire::DBWatchType)", "throwLine": 2051, "whatString": "Assertion Failed: [!(wtype == DBWatchType::SessionExpired)] at: ms/ClusterMaster.cpp:2051 void solidfire::ClusterMaster::OnAPIVersionChanged(solidfire::DBWatchType)" }