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NetApp Knowledge Base

What do the MetroCluster HealthMonitoring alerts mean?

Last Updated:
1/9/2024, 7:19:23 AM


Applies to

  • MetroCluster
  • ONTAP 9
  • Health Monitoring


Alert Description
NoISLPresentAlert This alert indicates that there is no InterSwitch Link (ISL) present between the Fibre Channel switches in between the sites of the MetroCluster.
StorageBridgeUnreachable (in-band) Indicates an ATTO FibreBridge is no longer reachable via the management network (FC).
StorageBridgeUnreachable (snmp) Indicates an ATTO FibreBridge is no longer reachable via the management network (Ethernet).
Bridge is incorrectly configured Indicates a miscabling of the FC-SAS Bridge.
StorageBridgePortDown Indicates a link from the FC port of the bridge to the switch or controller is not working correctly
Bridge Port is offline Indicates a misconfiguration of the FC-SAS Bridge or a cable problem
FabricSwitchUnreachable This alert indicated that one or more of the MetroCluster Fibre Channel switches is no longer reachable via the Ethernet network.
FabricSwitchPowerFail A power supply of the MetroCluster backend FibreChannel switch has a failed or a the power is interrupted

Additional Information

Verify the system risks for your MetroCluster using the ActiveIQ tool



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