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MetroCluster disk ownership recovery - diskHasWrongInfo

Last Updated:
5/26/2020, 6:25:00 AM

Applies to

  • MetroCluster
  • ONTAP 9
  • ONTAP 8.3.x
  • ATTO 7500 FibreBridge with Firmware lower than 2.77


  • SyncMirror Plex failures may be reported
  • Multiple disk failures reported
  • One or more nodes may have dropped due to disk reservation errors

Disk ownership errors will be reported in EMS logs:
[cluster01_1: sanown_io: diskown.diskHasWrongInfo:error]: Disk MMP1-FCSW-2:3.126L14 (S/N S2GUNCAH207559) has ownership information for disk MMP1-FCSW-2:3.126L16 (S/N S2GUNCAH207629) on it.
[cluster01_1: sanown_io: diskown.diskHasWrongInfo:error]: Disk MMP1-FCSW-2:3.126L4 (S/N S2GUNCAH206819) has ownership information for disk MMP1-FCSW-2:3.126L3 (S/N S2GUNCAH206838) on it.
[cluster01_1: sanown_io: diskown.diskHasWrongInfo:error]: Disk MMP1-FCSW-2:3.126L3 (S/N S2GUNCAH206838) has ownership information for disk MMP1-FCSW-2:3.126L7 (S/N S2GUNCAH206808) on it.
[cluster01_1: sanown_io: diskown.diskHasWrongInfo:error]: Disk MMP1-FCSW-2:3.126L5 (S/N S2GUNCAH206850) has ownership information for disk MMP1-FCSW-2:3.126L9 (S/N S2GUNCAH206836) on it.
[cluster01_1: sanown_io: diskown.diskHasWrongInfo:error]: Disk MMP1-FCSW-2:3.126L11 (S/N S2GUNCAH207587) has ownership information for disk MMP1-FCSW-2:3.126L20 (S/N S2GUNCAH207628) on it.

  • Bridge logs may report:

dsbridge_log_FB7500N101924.3:7F6664 14:54:43 09/21/16 INFO SAS IOP firmware fault, code 0000283E
dsbridge_log_FB7500N101924.3:806E5C 12:28:36 09/22/16 INFO SAS IOP firmware fault, code 0000283E

  • The issue can occur following a power cycle of an ATTO 7500N
  • Can occur if cabling changes are made behind an ATTO 7500N without respecting the debounce time
  • Can occur after  the FibreBridge reporting 88/05/12 error handling on the ATTO bridge



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