"qos statistics performance show" failed with Node
Applies to
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- SSH to cluster mgmt LIF, shows all performance statistics are “0”
::*> qos statistics volume performance show -node nasrf1 -iterations 1
Workload ID IOPS Throughput Latency
--------------- ------ -------- ---------------- ----------
-total- - 0 0KB/s 0ms
- SSH to node mgmt LIF and fail to run commands
::*> qos statistics volume performance show -node nasrf1 -iterations 1
Error: command failed: Unable to send request for getting statistics. Reason: Node is out of the cluster quorum. Ensure that the node has joined the cluster quorum.
::*> qos statistics workload performance show -node nasrf1 -iterations 1
Error: command failed: Unable to send request for getting statistics. Reason: Node is out of the cluster quorum. Ensure that the node has joined the cluster quorum.