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NetApp Knowledge Base

Users exceeding hard quota limit

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Quota


  • Users are exceeding hard quota limit

Cluster::> volume quota report -vserver svm1 -volume vol1 -tree tree1
Vserver: svm1

                                 -----Disk----- ----Files---- Quota
Volume  Tree   Type   ID         Used     Limit  Used  Limit  Specifier
------- ------ ------ ---------- -------- ----- ------ ------ ---------
vol1    tree1  user   HAL\user1  17.31GB  15GB  78991  -      *
vol1    tree1  user   HAL\user2  15.10GB  15GB  203921 -      *

  • Reducing the quota usage and re-initialzing the quota didn't resolve the issue 
  • The windows(non-admin) user is also mapped to the UNIX root user 

Cluster::*> vserver security file-directory show-effective-permissions -vserver svm1 -win-user-name user1 -path /vol/vol1/tree1

Vserver: svm1
Windows User Name: user1
Unix User Name: root            

  • Same windows user is a member of the BUILTIN\administrators group

Cluster::*> secd authentication show-creds -node node-vserver svm1 user1

UNIX UID: root <> Windows User: HAL\user1 (Windows Domain User)

GID: daemon
Supplementary GIDs:

Primary Group SID: HAL\Domain Users (Windows Domain group)

Windows Membership:
HAL\GRP_CTX_App_NOMSOffice (Windows Domain group)
HAL\GRP_DYN_ACR_HK (Windows Domain group)
HAL\GRP_XAS_XDUsers-AXA-ACR (Windows Domain group)
HAL\HKIT (Windows Domain group)
BUILTIN\users (Windows Alias)
BUILTIN\administrators (Windows Alias)

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