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NetApp Knowledge Base

Takeover not possible after controller upgrade due to LIF migration failure

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • 4-node cluster
  • Controller upgrade in one HA-pair


Takeover of one node fails due to LIF migration issue

Cluster::*> takeover -ofnode node-01

(storage failover takeover)
Warning: A takeover will be initiated. Once the partner node reboots, a giveback will be automatically initiated. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Error: command failed: Could not migrate LIFs away from node "node-01": Reason Failed to migrate one or more LIFs away from node "node-01". Use the "network interface show -curr-node node-01" command to identify LIFs that could not be migrated off that node. Use the "network interface migrate" command to manually migrate the LIFs off the node. Run "storage failover show" to confirm node "node-01" is operational.  If node is operational, reissue the takeover command with "-skip-lif-migration-before-takeover" to skip the migration and proceed with takeover.

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