Replication encountered an unknown error (Function not implemented)
Applies to
- Volume move
During a volume move, the following errors are reported in the event log:
Thu Aug 24 05:52:52 +0200 [cluster1-01: mgwd: mgmt.vopl.move.cut.entryFail:error]: The volume move operation of volume 'vol1' in Vserver 'svm1' to destination aggregate 'aggr1' did not enter the cutover phase. The system provided the additional explanation: 'Preparing source volume for cutover: Deduplication is not ready for volmove cutover'. After a short delay, the volume move operation will reattempt cutover entry. The job ID for the volume move job is '42734'.
Thu Aug 24 05:55:17 +0200 [cluster1-01: mgwd: mgmt.vopl.move.cutover.failed:error]: The volume move operation with ID '42734' on volume 'vol1' on Vserver 'svm1' to destination aggregate 'aggr1' did not cut over because: 'Replication encountered an unknown error. Filesystem error. (Function not implemented.)'. The volume move operation has tried to cut over '1' out of '3' times, 0 forced.