ONTAP takeover failed due to failed volume move
Applies to
Standard failover was vetoed with the following event log error:
::> storage failover takeover -ofnode node1
12/16/2022 15:35:34 node1 ERROR sfo.takeover.aborted: An optimized negotiated takeover of the HA partner node by the local node has been aborted. Reason: operation was vetoed
12/16/2022 15:35:34 node1 ERROR aggr.relocation.failed: Relocation of aggregate aggr2 failed by node node1 because operation was vetoed.
12/16/2022 15:35:34 node1 ERROR arl.subsystemAbort: The relocation operation of 'aggr2' was aborted by 'move_agent_src'.
12/16/2022 15:35:34 node1 ERROR arl.veto.volmove: Unable to relocate aggregate while volume move for volume (DSID: 1205, NAME: volume1) on aggregate aggr2 is in progress.