How to create an SNMPv3 user in ONTAP 9
Applies to
- SNMPv3 users
This article provides instructions on enabling and configuring SNMPv3 from the ONTAP command line.
- Managing SNMP on the cluster > Configuring SNMPv3 users in a cluster
- Configuring SNMPv3 users in a cluster > Examples for different security levels
- To configure from System Manger use Adding an SNMPv3 security user
- You must use snmpwalk 5.3.1 or later when the authentication protocol is SHA
- ONTAP 9.3 introduced stronger authentication and encryption algorithms that are compatible with ONTAP FIPS mode.
- For MetroCluster switch monitoring, follow the procedures in the MetroCluster installation guide MetroCluster-IP / fabric-attached MetroCluster