FlexCache volume fails to delete
Applies to
- FlexCache
- Attempts to delete a previously configured FlexCache volume fails:
Cluster_CLI::> vol delete -vserver vserver_1 -volume fc_vol_1
Error: command failed: Volume "fc_vol_1" in Vserver "vserver_1" is an origin of a FlexCache volume. To delete an origin of a FlexCache volume, you must first delete the FlexCache volumes that are in a relationship with the origin. Use the "volume flexcache origin show-caches -origin-vserver vserver_1 -origin-volume fc_vol_1" command to show the FlexCache volumes associated with the origin.
- Attempts to delete the specified FlexCache relationship with the directed steps fails:
Cluster_CLI::> vol flexcache origin show-caches -origin-vserver vserver_1 -origin-volume fc_vol_1
Origin-Vserver Origin-Volume Cache-Vserver Cache-Volume Cache-Cluster
-------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- --------------
vserver_1 fc_vol_1 vserver_cache volume_cache cluster_1
Cluster_CLI::> volume offline -vserver vserver_cache -volume volume_cache
Cluster_CLI::> volume flexcache delete -vserver vserver_cache -volume volume_cache
- This operation appears to complete, but a retry of the volume delete command as shown results in:
Cluster_CLI::*> volume flexcache delete -volume fc_vol _1 -vserver vserver_1
Error: There are no entries matching your query.