Event message: exports.anoncred.userToCred
Applies to
Clustered Data ONTAP 8
Check Active IQ if this impacts your systems
The following message is printed to the event log for one or more Vservers in a cluster.Sat Jul 09 00:38:23 GMT [cm-node1: mgwd: exports.anoncred.userToCred:warning]: Cannot retrieve credentials for user ID "65534" on Vserver "VS1".
To view all occurrences, run the following command:
::> event log show -messagename exports.anoncred.userToCred
To view the configured Anonymous user for a Vserver's export policies, run the following command:
::> export-policy rule show -vserver <vserver> -fields anon
User ID 65534 typically maps to the 'nobody' user in *nix environments. In Data ONTAP, user 65534 maps to the 'pcuser' user and is used for multi-protocol access. If CIFS has not been enabled on the Vserver, the pcuser account may not have been created locally.
Client access to NFS exports may be prevented if the Anonymous user cannot be validated for the given export policy.