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NetApp Knowledge Base

AutoSupport vetoed giveback

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • AutoSupport


Giveback veto reported in: 

  • Storage failover show-giveback

::> storage failover show-giveback
Node           Aggregate Giveback Status
-------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------
Warning: Unable to list entries on node NodeA. RPC: Couldn't make connection
         [from mgwd on node "NodeB" (VSID: -1) to mgwd at]
       CFO Aggregates    Failed module: autosupport. Giveback vetoed:
                                 AutoSupport collection is still in progress.
                                 Allow up to 20 minutes for AutoSupport
                                 processing after a takeover. Use the
                                 "storage failover giveback -override-vetoes
                                 true" command to override all veto checks,
                                 including AutoSupport collection.
                                 Warning: Overriding vetoes to perform a giveback can    
                                 be disruptive.
               NodeA_data01      Not attempted yet
2 entries were displayed.

  • Storage failover show

::> storage failover show
Node           Partner        Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------    
NodeA          NodeB          false    Previous giveback failed in module:
                                       autosupport. Auto giveback will be
                                       initiated in 391 seconds
NodeB          NodeA          -        Waiting for giveback
2 entries were displayed.

  • ONTAP EMS events:

[gb.cfo.veto.asup.generalNopart:notice]: AutoSupport vetoed giveback because an AutoSupport message for the down partner node was not yet collected.


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