SwitchSNMPCommunication_Alert due to reason invalid SNMP settings
Applies to
- Cluster network switches
- Cluster switch health monitoring (CSHM)
- Cluster switch management IP address is responding to pings from the cluster
SNMP community string is configured on the switch via RCF as expected- The following alert is reported for cluster switch in the event logs:
[Node-01: cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = SwitchSNMPCommunication_Alert , Alerting Resource = ClusterSW1 raised by monitor ethernet-switch
- However, the following output is seen regarding the cluster switch health monitor:
::> system cluster-switch show
Switch Type Address Model
--------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------
sw1(FOC1XXXX678) cluster-network OTHER
Serial Number: Unknown
Is Monitored: false
Reason: Invalid SNMP Settings
Software Version: Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software, Version 9.3(4)
Version Source: CDP
sw2(FOC1XXXX679) cluster-network OTHER
Serial Number: Unknown
Is Monitored: false
Reason: Invalid SNMP Settings
Software Version: Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software, Version 9.3(4)
Version Source: CDP
- An attempt to delete the switches from monitoring and adding back fails with the below error:
::> system cluster-switch create -device cluster-switch2 -address 184.X.XX.XX -snmp-version SNMPv2c -community cshm1! -model OTHER -type cluster-network -is-monitoring-enabled-admin true
Error: SNMP validation request timed out. Verify that the "-community-or-username" value is valid.