Removal of node from cluster fails due to failover configuration error
Applies to
- FAS/AFF Systems
ONTAP 9.3 and earlier:
Cluster::*> cluster unjoin -node Node-03
ONTAP 9.4 and later:
Cluster::*> cluster remove-node -node Node-03
Warning: This command will remove node "Node-03" from the cluster.
You must remove the failover partner as well. After the node is
successfully removed, erase its configuration and initialize all disks
by using the "Clean configuration and initialize all disks (4)" option
from the boot menu.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
[Job 67508] Job is queued: Cluster remove-node of Node:Node-03 with UUID:e0-cf5a-11e5-81c4-97e6917e55c2.
Error: command failed: [Job 67508] Job failed:
Removing a node only works for nodes not in failover configuration.
Node Node-03 is SFO enabled with partner node Node-04.