Node not responding after physical relocation
Applies to
- FAS Series
- After physically relocating a cluster one node is not responding properly to cluster commands.
- Errors below are displayed in the event log.
WARNING: netapp_mount_mroot: d-blade boot is incomplete
netapp_mount_mroot: /mroot is not mounted, retrying...WARNING: netapp_mount_mroot: Giving up waiting for mroot after 1201 seconds.
[node-1:vifmgr.rpc.nblade.timeouts:error]: The virtual interface manager is not receiving responses from the node's networking component.
[node-1:callhome.mdb.recovery.unsuccessful:EMERGENCY]: Call home for MDB RECOVERY UNSUCCESSFUL FOR THE vifmgr WARNING.
[node-1:rdb.env.IOFailure:ALERT]: Error encountered in root volume I/O: Mkdir '/mroot/etc/cluster_config' failed, 30.
[node-1:rdb.env.replicaCorrupt:ALERT]: Corruption in the local database of Data Replication Module: Failed to open SQLite environment: FILE_IO_ERROR.
- When logging into the Service Processor of the node the message below is displayed.
************************* SYSTEM MESSAGES *************************The root volume is not up. This node is not fully operational. Contact supportpersonnel for further assistance.