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AFF A250 / FAS500f Low Bat_Dstg_Cycles cause BATTERY (capacity low) error

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • AFF A250
  • FAS500f
  • NVMEM battery firmware C0 or lower

BMC node-name> system battery show
DeviceChemistry          :  LION
ChemistryID              :  0x1968
DeviceName               :  bq40z50-R2
ID                       :  27100073
ManufacturerName         :  Inv27100073+C0
FW version               :  C0


  • Events with BATTERY (capacity low)

1/1/2022 00:00:00   node-name   ALERT         callhome.battery.low: Call home for BATTERY_LOW.
1/1/2022 00:00:00   node-name   EMERGENCY     monitor.nvramLowBattery: NVRAM battery is dangerously low.
1/1/2022 00:00:00   node-name   ALERT         callhome.battery.warning: Call home for BATTERY (capacity low) WARNING.

  • EMS message with error and correction (normal) reported:

[node-name: env_mgr: nvmem.battery.capLowWarn:error]: The NVMEM battery capacity is below normal (5 cycles).
[node-name: env_mgr: callhome.battery.notice:notice]: Call home for BATTERY (capacity low) NOTICE.
[node-name: env_mgr: nvmem.battery.capNormal:notice]: The NVMEM battery capacity is normal.

  • BMC event for low battery:

123 | 06/16/2022 | 16:56:09 | Battery #0x49 | Lower Non-critical going low

  • system sensors show reports Bat_Dstg_Cycles is lower than or equal to lnc

=================== sensor ==========================
Sensor name      | reading    | unit       | status| lnr       | lcr       | lnc       | unc       | ucr       | unr
Bat_Temp         | 34.500     | degrees C  | ok    | 0.000     | 0.000     | 5.000     | 60.000    | 75.000    | 127.500
Bat_Volt         | 8.100      | Volts      | ok    | 0.000     | 5.500     | 5.600     | 8.500     | 8.600     | 12.750
Bat_Curr         | 0.000      | Amps       | ok    | na        | na        | na        | 1.200     | 1.520     | 2.540
Bat_Rem_Cap      | 9.840      | Watts * hour | ok  | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
Bat_Full_Cap     | 10.800     | Watts * hour | ok  | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
Bat_Charge_Curr  | 0.000      | Amps       | ok    | na        | na        | na        | 2.200     | 2.300     | 5.100
Bat_Charge_Volt  | 8.200      | Volts      | ok    | na        | na        | na        | 8.900     | 9.000     | 12.750
Bat_Design_Cap   | 18.400     | Watts * hour | ok  | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
Bat_Initial_Fcc  | 20.400     | Watts * hour | ok  | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
Bat_Dstg_Cycles  | 4.000      | cycles     | nc    | na        | 2.000     | 5.000     | na        | na        | na
Bat_Cycle_Cnt    | 0.000      | cycles     | ok    | na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
Bat_Power_Fault  | 0x0        | discrete   | 0x0180| na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
Bat_Dsg_FET_Flt  | 0x0        | discrete   | 0x0280| na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
Bat_Chg_FET_Flt  | 0x0        | discrete   | 0x0280| na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
Bat_Pack_Invalid | 0x0        | discrete   | 0x0180| na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na
Bat_Lrn_Active   | 0x0        | discrete   | 0x0180| na        | na        | na        | na        | na        | na

  • Excluded the false-positive NVMEM battery alerts option, as described in AFF-A250 reporting BATTERY (capacity low) alert and BUG 1447722
  • Monitoring EMS.log for  The NVMEM battery capacity is below normal​​​​ at the end of the message, we see (# cycles)  
    • The cycles number dropped below 5


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