Call home for CLUSTER NETWORK DEGRADED Frequent Link Flapping
Applies to
- FAS/AFF Systems
- The cluster port link is flapping causing the cluster network to be degraded and the following events are reported in the system:
[Node-02: intr: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link down, check cable.
[Node-02: vifmgr: vifmgr.portdown:notice]: A link down event was received on node Node-02, port e0a.
[Node-02: vifmgr: vifmgr.clus.linkdown:EMERGENCY]: The cluster port e0a on node Node-02 has gone down unexpectedly.
[Node-02: intr: netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link up.
[Node-02: vifmgr: vifmgr.portup:notice]: A link up event was received on node Node-02, port e0a.
[Node-02: vifmgr: vifmgr.port.monitor.failed:error]: The "link_flapping" health check for port e0a (node Node-02) has failed. The port is operating in a degraded state.
[Node-02: vifmgr:]: Call home for CLUSTER NETWORK DEGRADED: Frequent Link Flapping - Cluster port e0a on node Node-02 has experienced multiple link down notifications.
- The cluster port is degraded due to the link flaps:
Cluster::*> network port show -health-status degraded -fields health-degraded-reasons
node port health-degraded-reasons
---------- ---- -----------------------
Node-02 e0a link_flapping
- The below alert is reported in the event logs when the link between the cluster port and cluster switch goes down:
[Node-01: cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = ClusterSwitchConnectivity_Alert , Alerting Resource = Node-02 raised by monitor ethernet-switch
[Node-01: mgwd:]: Call home for Health Monitor process cshm: ClusterSwitchConnectivity_Alert[Node-02].