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NetApp Knowledge Base

BMC update from 16.3 to 16.5 fails with Alert: SPAutoUpgradeFailedMajorAlert

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • AFF-A900, FAS9500
  • BMC FW update from 16.3  to 16.5
    • Skipping 16.4


  • BMC FW automatic update fails through ONTAP CLI and BMC CLI.
  • SP reboot,takeover/giveback and SP daemon restart doesn’t resolve the issue.

::> set diagnostic; system node systemshell -node <node name> "sudo spmctl -s -h servprocd"
::> set diagnostic; system node systemshell -node <node name> "sudo spmctl -e -h servprocd"

  • Manual update after re-downloading BMC FW  (to BMC 16.5) also fails.

When the BMC update fails, you can see the following log events:

  • EMS log - event log show:

[servprocd: sp.servprocd.upd.evts:debug]: params: {'reason': 'SP Firmware network update has been successfully scheduled from  16.3 to 16.5'}
[servprocd: sp.servprocd.upd.evts:debug]: params: {'reason': 'SP Firmware network update from 16.3 to 16.5 has been triggered.'}
[servprocd: sp.servprocd.upd.unexpt.evts:debug]: params: {'reason': 'BMC update - BMC Firmware update failed.'}
[servprocd: sp.servprocd.upd.error:error]: SP update error: SP firmware update failure has been detected.
  • system health alert show log:

Node: ****
Monitor controller
Alert ID SPAutoUpgradeFailedMajorAlert
Alerting Resource SP Upgrade
Subsystem Service-Processor
Indication Time Wed Dec 27 12:00:10 2023
Perceived Severity Major
Probable Cause Configuration_error
Description A Service Processor automatic firmware update failure was detected, which can result in Service Processor not being updated to the latest available compatible firmware package.
Corrective Actions 1. Use the "system service-processor image show" command to display the firmware version that SP is currently booted from. 2. Manually upgrade Service Processor by using the "system service-processor image update" command. 3. Allow sufficient time for the system to update Service Processor firmware to the specified SP firmware package. 4. Contact the technical support if the alert persists.
Possible Effect Suboptimal system behavior can result from Service Processor not being updated to the latest available compatible firmware package.
Acknowledge false
Suppress false
Policy SPAutoUpgradeFailedMajorAlertPolicy
Additional Information New firmware available: true New firmware Version : 16.5 Auto update: true Auto update Status: installed Previous AutoUpdate Status : failed
Alerting Resource Name SP Upgrade
Additional Alert Tags device

00000023.00006d61 0006c8a1 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:55:05 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x808d5e400: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: SpUpdateStateHandleEvent: SP update from version 16.3 to version 16.5 has been scheduled.
00000023.00006d62 0006c8a1 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:55:05 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x808d5e400: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: UpdateSmfState: processing ck_auto_update_scheduled.
00000023.00006d63 0006c8a1 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:55:05 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: set_bmc_state_cpmi: updated BMC status - 8.
00000023.00006d64 0006c8d2 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:55:08 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: prepareImage: SP firmware image files were successfully checked for compression.
00000023.00006d65 0006c8d2 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:55:08 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: prepareImage: Creating /mroot/etc/RLM_FW/sp_image.tar.gz image for network transfer.
00000023.00006d6b 0006c8f7 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:55:13 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: prepareImage: /mroot/etc/RLM_FW/sp_image.tar.gz image has been successfully created for network transfer to SP.
00000023.00006d6c 0006c8f7 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:55:13 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: servprocd_trigger_fw_update_cpmi: cpmi_set_fw_update_info(16) suceeded.
00000023.00006d6d 0006c8f7 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:55:13 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: update: BMC update has been successfully triggered.  
00000023.00006d70 0006ca23 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:55:42 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809647900: 8503e800006239cf: NOTICE: Servprocd::CLI: get_spcs_port : spcs port value in sp_api_service mdb is 50000
00000023.00006d71 0006ca23 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:55:42 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809648300: 8503e800006239cf: ERR: Servprocd::bmc_client: bmc_get_sensor_info_imp: target_node=***, err=entry doesn't exist
00000023.00006d72 0006ca23 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:55:43 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: monitorUpdate: Waiting for BMC update to complete. Monitor count=(0), sleep 30 seconds...
00000023.00006d8c 0006ced3 Wed Dec 27 2023 11:57:43 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: lookup_bmc_updt_str: BMC update - Unknown error.(0xa5)
00000023.00006d93 0006cfff Wed Dec 27 2023 11:58:13 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: monitorUpdate: BMC update has failed. Last status code(165).
00000023.00006d94 0006cfff Wed Dec 27 2023 11:58:13 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: set_bmc_state_cpmi: updated BMC status - 1.
00000023.00006d95 0006cfff Wed Dec 27 2023 11:58:13 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: ERR: Servprocd::SpUpdate: SpUpdateStateHandleEvent: e_sp_update_failed event received in SP_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS state.
00000023.00006d96 0006cfff Wed Dec 27 2023 11:58:13 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: ERR: Servprocd::SpUpdate: SpUpdateReport: SP firmware update failure has been detected.
00000023.00006d97 0006cfff Wed Dec 27 2023 11:58:13 +09:00 [kern_servprocd:info:50438] 0x809747500: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: UpdateSmfState:  processing upd_stat 9 event.

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