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Automatic SP upgrade fails after ONTAP upgrade on AFF A300 and FAS8200

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • AFF-A300
  • FAS8200
  • ONTAP 9
  • SP versions prior to 5.9


  • After completing ONTAP upgrade bundled with newer SP firmware, the automatic SP upgrade fails and remains on previous version.

::> event log show -node * -message-name sp.servprocd.upd.error

Node3    ERROR         sp.servprocd.upd.error: SP update error: SP firmware update failure has been detected.
Node2    ERROR         sp.servprocd.upd.error: SP update error: SP firmware update failure has been detected.
Node6    ERROR         sp.servprocd.upd.error: SP update error: SP firmware update failure has been detected.
Node5    ERROR         sp.servprocd.upd.error: SP update error: SP firmware update failure has been detected.

[kern_servprocd:info:6905] 0x809878700: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: update: SP firmware image for network transfer has been created.
kern_servprocd:info:6905] 0x809878700: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: transferImage: sending /mroot/etc/RLM_FW/sp_image.tar.gz to SP, destination: /tmp/sp_image.tar.gz.
[kern_servprocd:info:6905] 0x809878700: 0: ERR: Servprocd::SpUpdate: transferImage: FTM sp_send_file failed to transfer /mroot/etc/RLM_FW/sp_image.tar.gz to SP. Error 26. Sleep for 30 secs and retry. Retry count : 1
[kern_servprocd:info:6905] 0x809878700: 0: NOTICE: Servprocd::SpUpdate: transferImage: sending /mroot/etc/RLM_FW/sp_image.tar.gz to SP, destination: /tmp/sp_image.tar.gz.
[kern_servprocd:info:6905] 0x809878700: 0: ERR: Servprocd::SpUpdate: transferImage: FTM sp_send_file failed to transfer /mroot/etc/RLM_FW/sp_image.tar.gz to SP. Error 26. Sleep for 30 secs and retry. Retry count : 2

  • EMS logs show below alerts:

nphmd hm alert raised: detailed_info="Alert Id = SPLinkDownAlert , Alerting Resource = SP Config" monitor="controller" alert_id="SPLinkDownAlert" alerting_resource="SP Config"

Mon Dec 18 19:43:11 +0000 [Node: nphmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = SPAutoUpgradeFailedMajorAlert , Alerting Resource = SP Upgrade raised by monitor controller

  • Rebooting SP due to low memory from SP event log:

Record 848: Sat May 29 05:47:21 2021 [IPMI.critical]: Rebooting SP due to low memory
Record 849: Thu Jan  1 00:00:46 1970 [IPMI.notice]: 7a00 | c0 | OEM: ffff70005100 | ManufId: 150300 | SP Reset Internally


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