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(SPARES_LOW) ERROR - AutoSupport message

Last Updated:
10/24/2024, 6:32:13 AM

Applies to


Event Summary

callhome.spares events 

This message occurs when one or more RAID groups do not have an eligible spare disk drive available in case of a disk drive failure. 

  • An eligible spare disk drive must be the correct size and capacity and must be in the appropriate pool.
    • If a disk drive fails without a spare to reconstruct on, the system enters degraded mode.

The definition of "degraded" depends on the RAID group types used by the aggregate:

  • raid4 - RAID group has one missing or failed disk
  • raid-dp - RAID group has two missing or failed disks
  • raid-tec - RAID group has three missing or failed disks
  • A mirrored aggregate is considered "degraded" if both plexes of the aggregate has missing or failed disks in the same positional RAID group.
  • In ONTAP versions earlier than 9.12.1, the system halts automatically to prevent a RAID group integrity failure and possible loss of data, if it runs in completely degraded mode for the defined timeout interval.
    • The default timeout is 24 hours.
  • If a spare drive becomes available while the system is running in degraded mode, the system immediately begins rebuilding the failed drive.


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