CONTAP-77936: The node halts instead of rebooting if shutdown takes too long during an automated nondisruptive upgrade
- During an automated non disruptive upgrade (ANDU) from ONTAP 9.7 or later version, the upgrade pauses with error:
Thu Oct 06 23:05:56 +0000 [node-01: upgrademgr: upgrademgr.update.pausedErr:error]: The automated update of the cluster has been paused due to the following reason: Node "node-01": Error: {Node "node-02" is not in "waiting for giveback" state.}, Action: {Use the "storage failover show" to verify that node "node-02" is in one of the following states: "waiting for giveback" or "connected".}. Thu Oct 06 23:05:56 +0000 [node-01: svc_queue_thread: callhome.andu.pausederr:alert]: params: {'epoch': '', 'subject': 'AUTOMATED NDU PAUSED'}
- Upon examination of the HA partner, it has failed to AUTOBOOT and is at the LOADER> prompt.
- Console logs will show it halted after modifying image:
Setting default boot image to image1... done. Uptime: 91d6h35m30s HALT: HA partner has taken over (ic) on Wed Apr 26 16:25:08 PDT 2023 Uptime: 91d6h35m43s System halting...
- The SP logs (events or console logs) do not show any hardware errors or any system firmware or BIOS updates in progress.