CONTAP-119131: False-positive switch fan and power alerts when SNMP failures occur
- The switch health monitor alerts SwitchFanNotPresent_Alert, SwitchPowerNotPresent_Alert, and SwitchPowerUnknown_Alert are seen repeatedly being raised and cleared.
- All three alerts must be raised for this issue to apply
- Affects the following switch models:
- BES-53248
- N9K-C9336C-FX2
- N9K-C92300YC
- MSN2100-CB2FC, MSN2100-CB2RC
- X190006-PE, X190006-PI
- Event logs report multiple alerts, such as:
hm.alert.raised: Alert Id = SwitchPowerUnknown_Alert , Alerting Resource = Switch1(Serial)/PowerSupply-1 raised by monitor ethernet-switch
hm.alert.raised: Alert Id = SwitchPowerNotPresent_Alert , Alerting Resource = Switch1(Serial)/PowerSupply-1 raised by monitor ethernet-switch
hm.alert.raised: Alert Id = SwitchFanNotPresent_Alert , Alerting Resource = Switch1(Serial)/Fan Module-1 raised by monitor ethernet-switch - The "system health alert show" command output also show these alerts