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NetApp Knowledge Base

SnapMirror Update Failures Resolution Guide

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • SnapMirror
  • SVM-DR


  • This resolution guide outlines common cause and solutions for SnapMirror update failures
  • Cause or error can be determined by running and snapmirror show command and reviewing the Last Transfer Error or attempting a snapmirror update

::> snapmirror update -destination-path vs1:dst
Error: command failed: <error>

::> snapmirror show -destination-path dst_svm:dst_volume -instance
cluster-02::> snapmirror show -destination-path vs1:dst -instance
               Source Path: vs0:src
          Destination Path: vs1:dst
         Relationship Type: XDP
       SnapMirror Schedule: hourly
               Tries Limit: -
         Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
              Mirror State: Snapmirrored
       Relationship Status: Idle
         Transfer Snapshot: -
         Snapshot Progress: -
            Total Progress: -
       Snapshot Checkpoint: 133KB
           Newest Snapshot: snapmirror.5201b44a-2f46-11e2-8779-123478563412_2147486021.2013-02-10_020500
 Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 02/10 03:15:09
         Exported Snapshot: snapmirror.5201b44a-2f46-11e2-8779-123478563412_2147486021.2013-02-10_020500
Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 02/10 03:15:09
                   Healthy: false
          Unhealthy Reason: Transfer failed.
  Constituent Relationship: false
   Destination Volume Node: f3070-238-47
           Relationship ID: 0338f054-32c6-11e2-9151-123478563412
             Transfer Type: -
            Transfer Error: -
          Current Throttle: -
 Current Transfer Priority: -
        Last Transfer Type: update
       Last Transfer Error: Transfer failed. (<Reason for failure>)
        Last Transfer Size: -

Volume SnapMirror
Last Transfer Error Solution
No common Snapshot copy found between SVM:src_vol1 and SVMDR:dest_vol1.'. Relationship UUID '<ID>' View solution 
Exported Snapshot copy for vs1:dst does not exist on the source vs0:src; a resync is required View solution
Scheduled update failed to start. (Scheduled update was delayed because another SnapMirror operation for the relationship is in progress.) View solution
CSM: Operation referred to a non-existent session View solution
Failed to start transfer. (The primary volume has a file/LUN which exceeds the maximum file/LUN size destination can support.) View solution
Failed to add owner "transfer" to Snapshot copy <SNAPSHOT> on volume <SOURCE VOLUME> View solution
Failed to get transfer Snapshot information from source volume "Source_SVM:Source_Volume". (Failed to get volume attributes for 07hf1b4c-z3qc-12e6-a3c6-70f076a67jd8:Source_Volume. (Volume location not found. Either the system is busy or the peer cluster is not Available View solution
Transfer did not start because the relationship is quiesced View solution
The number of Snapshot copies on destination volume 'vs0:Destination_3637' has reached the maximum supported count of ### View solution
The latest Snapshot copy "<snapshot>" on the destination is not the base Snapshot copy View solution
Destination was previously used as the destination of an XDP relationship View solution
Destination vs1:v2_dst must be a data-protection volume View solution
Transfer failed. (Volume access error(No space left on device)) View solution
Transfer cannot be started because node "node_name" in cluster "cluster-01" has reached its limit for concurrent transfers View solution
Volume "vs0:src" not found. (Failed to contact peercluster cluster-01. RPC: Remote system error - Input/output error) View solution
View solution
Failed to get transfer Snapshot information from source volume "vs0:src". (Failed to get volume attributes for vs0:src. (Volume is offline)) View solution
Failed to get volume attributes for f3070-238-47-48://vs0/dst. (The volume does not exist for the operation.) View solution

Last Transfer Error Solution
No common Snapshot copy found between SVM:src_vol1 and SVMDR:dest_vol1.'. Relationship UUID '<ID>' View solution 
Failed to modify efficiency configuration for volume "<volume>" of Vserver "<SVM>": Compression cannot be disabled when inline compression or incompressible data detection is enabled on the volume View solution
Failed to generate baseline. Reason: Unable to generate baseline for table sis. The system might be busy, retry the operation after some time. View solution
Failed to apply the source Vserver configuration. Reason: Apply failed for Object: export_ruleset_ui_table Method: baseline. Reason: Failed to delete ruleset: This operation is not permitted on a Vserver that is configured as the destination for identity preserve Vserver DR View solution
Checkpoint data is invalid. (Invalid restart checkpoint provided to SnapDiff. Please delete this checkpoint and restart the transfer.) View solution
One or more Snapshot copies on volume [%VOLUME%] are owned by other relationships or operations and will not be present on the source after this operation View solution
Error: Cannot fetch parent volume snapshot details for Flexclone SVM1_DR:Vol1_12345. Reason: Parent snapshot is empty for clone volume View solution
Failed to get volume attributes for vserveruuid:volume.(Volume is not known or has been moved) View solution
Volume SVM:volumeis not initialized. Delete the volume using the (privilege: advanced) "volume delete -force" command View solution

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