Brocade Switch status shows faulty and all port became offline
Applies to
Brocade G620 , G610
- All switch ports went into an offline state, and the switch status shows faulty.
shows the following:
2020/01/28-01:23:14, [EM-1134], 35579, FFDC | CHASSIS, ERROR, SEMLFCSW02_CH, Switch set to faulty, rc=20015.
logs show the following:
2020/01/28-01:23:14:334606, [C4-5813], 45282/0, CHASSIS, INFO, SEMLFCSW02_CH, S0,C0: Chip fault code = 53 disables condor4 chip, OID:0x43010080, c4_intr.c, line: 4357, comp:insmod, ltime:2020/01/28-01:23:14:334041
2020/01/28-01:23:14:334628, [BL-5215], 45283/0, CHASSIS, WARNING, SEMLFCSW02_CH, ASIC error/fault message received for chip = 0 ,reason = 53, OID:0x43010080, pulsar_chip.c, line: 958, comp:emd0, ltime:2020/01/28-01:23:14:334117
2020/01/28-01:23:14:336331, [BL-5263], 45284/0, CHASSIS, CRITICAL, SEMLFCSW02_CH, Faulting switch, OID:0x43000000, pulsar_blade.c, line: 2556, comp:emd0, ltime:2020/01/28-01:23:14:334745Br