Volumes Go Degraded While Collecting Support Bundle
- Views:
- 80
- Visibility:
- Public
- Votes:
- 0
- Category:
- element-software
- Specialty:
- solidfire
- Last Updated:
- 4/16/2024, 1:44:46 AM
Applies to
- NetApp SolidFire Storage Nodes
- NetApp H Series Storage Nodes
- After starting a full cluster support bundle collection from Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC), virtual volumes across multiple storage nodes report degraded and offline
- The following events are logged in the storage error logs:
Severity: Error | ErrorCode: volumesDegraded | Details: Local replication and synchronization of the following volumes is in progress. Progress of the synchronization can be seen in the Running Tasks window. [xxxx,xxxx,xxxx]
Severity: Error | ErrorCode: volumesOffline | Details: The following volumes are offline. [xxxx,xxxx,xxxx]
Severity: Warning | ErrorCode: unresponsiveService | Details: A metadata service is not responding.
Severity: Critical | ErrorCode:sliceServiceUnhealthy | Details: Multiple metadata services are unhealthy. Data unavailability is possible and rebuild may be blocked.
- About (10) minutes later, the virtual volumes are automatically returned to an online state.
- The full support bundle collection is completed without errors.