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NetApp Knowledge Base

Why UM shows Qtree Space Full event on  allocated volume size when quota is not set?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ActiveIQ Unified Manager (UM) 9.6 +
  • OnCommand Unified Manager (UM) 9.5 and below
  • Qtree
  • Quota
  • Volume


  • Qtrees calculate the allocated volume size as usable capacity if quota is not set
  • UM will trigger the Qtree Space Full alert in case the thrshold set for the qtree is breached based on the allocated volume size
  • Qtrees do not support space reservation/space guarantees, so max autogrow size of the volume doesnt taken into consideration for qtree alerting
  • for example:
  • A qtree is created on top of the volume without quotavolume allocated size is 100G with max autogrow allowed till 120GB
  • UM threshold for Qtree Space Full and Volume Space Full both is set at 90%
  • By design, a Qtree Space Full alert will be triggered when the volume is 90GB used and a Volume Space Full alert will be triggered when it is 108GB used.
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