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How to collect a supportsave from a Brocade switch

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • SAN
  • FlexPod
  • Brocade switch


  • When troubleshooting a Brocade switch, it is useful to collect the supportsave output from the switch.
  • A supportsave from a Brocade switch needs to connect to a FTP, SFTP, or SCP host to upload the logs.
  • If the user does not have a FTP server setup, it requires to be set up depending on the user's operating system. 
  • Create a folder in the FTP server for the case and each switch name for output logs, that is, brocade_logs


  1. Once a FTP server with the named folder has been created, log into the Brocade switch and run the supportsave command:

switch> supportsave

This command collects RASLOG, TRACE, supportShow, core file, FFDC data, and other support information from both active and standby CPs, and then transfer them to the FTP/SCP/SFTP server or a USB device. This operation can take several minutes.

Note: The supportsave transfers the existing trace dump file first, then automatically generates and transfers the latest one. There will be two trace dump files transferred after running this command.

  1. At the command prompt, type y to proceed:

OK to proceed? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y

  1. Enter the IP address or host name of the FTP server:

Host IP or Host Name: <IP address>

  1. Enter the credentials for SFTP, or leave it blank for an anonymous FTP:

User Name: <sftp username>, or just press enter for “blank”

Password: <sftp password>, or just press enter for “blank”

  1. Specify the transfer protocol, in this case ftp or sftp:

Protocol (ftp | scp | sftp): ftp

  1. Enter the name of the directory you created on the FTP root for case number and the specific switch:

Remote Directory: <directory name>

  1. Press Enter; the output files will be sent to the destination:

Saving support information for switch:brocade200e-rtp, module:RAS...


Saving support information for switch:brocade200e-rtp, module:TRACE_OLD...

Saving support information for switch:brocade200e-rtp, module:TRACE_NEW...

Saving support information for switch:brocade200e-rtp, module:FABRIC...



  • If a Windows host is not available to FTP, a UNIX host can be used as well. 
  • The easiest method is by using SCP. Verify that SCP is installed on the host, and a directory has been created on the root volume of the host. 
  • Next, perform the same steps as above, this time using the username and password of the UNIX host, specifying SCP for the protocol, and specifying the name of the directory created to collect the logs. After collecting the logs, the user can zip the directory and upload to NetApp.

Send the output of switch> supportsave from all the switches involved in the issue. If the issue can be reproduced, it is preferable to run a supportsave  before and immediately after the issue is reproduced.

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