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What data is required to troubleshoot SnapCenter issue?

Last Updated:


Applies to

  • SnapCenter Server (SC)
  • SnapCenter Application Plug-Ins
  • SnapCenter Plug-In for VMware (SCV)


Topic Description



  1. Problem Description
  1. Details about the issue. Please include the following information.
    1. Which SnapCenter version are you using?
    2. When was the issue first observed?
    3. How often does the issue occur?
    4. Is the issue related to any SnapCenter Plug-in? If true, please list all Plug-ins you are using.
    5. If the issue is a job failure, had the job worked before? When did the job succeed last time?
  2. If you are not sure which SnapCenter version you are using, please refer to the following article.
    1. How to determine SnapCenter version from build number



  1. SnapGathers
  1. SnapGathers is essential to troubleshoot any SnapCenter issue
  2. Follow option 1 on How to collect SnapCenter logs to run SnapGathers
  3. SnapGathers should always be run on the SnapCenter Server and any relevant Windows plug-in hosts
    1. SnapCenter Plug-In for Windows
    2. SnapCenter Plug-In for Exchange
    3. SnapCenter Plug-In for SQL
  4. When run on SnapCenter Server, SnapGathers collects diagnostic data from Linux hosts (SnapCenter Plug-In for Unix [SCU]) but does not collect all log/configuration files
    1. If issue is related to SCU, collect files listed in SnapCenter Log/Configuration Files on Linux Hosts
  1. SnapCenter Plug-In for VMware (SCV) support bundle


Collect a support bundle if the issue is related to SnapCenter Plug-In for VMware 


  1. Job Logs
  1. To collect an individual job log, follow option 2 on How to collect SnapCenter logs
  2. If the job had worked before, collect the job logs for the last successful job
  1. SnapCenter Repository (MySQL) Database Dump


How to collect SnapCenter database dump (NSM MySQL database dump)



  1. Screenshots

If you the issue is related to SnapCenter GUI, please take snapshots so that NetApp support can recognize:

  1. What were you operating in the GUI?
  2. What issue occurred?
  3. When did the issue occur?


  1. SnapCenter Server Installation Logs
  1. If the issue is SnapCenter installation failure, collect the following data on SnapCenter server host.
    1. These log files are not collected by SnapGathers.
      1. %TEMP%\DotMigrate_MySQL_<version>.log
      2. %TEMP%\DotMigrate_MySQL_Installer.log
      3. %TEMP%\SC_Package_Extraction_Log_<timestamp>.log
      4. %TEMP%\SMCoreInstall_<timestamp>.log
      5. %TEMP%\SMSInstall_<timestamp>.log


  1. SnapCenter Plug-In Installation Logs on Windows Hosts
  1. If the issue is adding Windows host (SnapCenter Plug-in installation) failure, collect the following data on the target Windows host.
    1. These log files are not collected by SnapGathers.
      1. C:\Windows\SnapCenter plugin\Install_*
      2. C:\Windows\SnapCenter plugin\Uninstall_*
      3. C:\Windows\SnapCenter plugin\*.log
  1. SnapCenter Plug-In Installation Logs on Linux Hosts
  1. If the issue is related to SCU, collect the following log/configuration files.
    1. <SnapCenter_Install_Path>/scc/logs/*
    2. <SnapCenter_Install_Path>/scc/etc/*
    3. /var/opt/snapcenter/logs/*
    4. /var/opt/snapcenter/scc/logs/*
    5. /var/opt/snapcenter/sco/etc/*
    6. /var/opt/snapcenter/scu/etc/*
    7. /var/opt/snapcenter/spl/etc/*
    8. /var/opt/snapcenter/spl/logs/*
  2. The default installation path is /opt/NetApp/snapcenter 
  3. Plug-in install/uninstall/upgrade logs are located in /var/opt/snapcenter/logs/
  1. Job Report or Job Detail Screenshots
  1. Collect a job report if the issue is related to a job failure
  2. If no job report is available for the job, collect screenshots for [Monitor] page and the job detail page instead so that NetApp support can recognize:
    1. Job ID
    2. Start date of the job
    3. End date of the job
    4. Errors that the job received
  3. If the job had worked before, collect the job report or screenshots for the job succeeded last time as well.
  1. AutoSupport for ONTAP


Run 'autosupport invoke -node * -type all' on ONTAP to send AutoSupport

Note: In case an issue is related to backup job that updates SnapMirror or SnapVault, provide ASUP of both source and destination ONTAP

  1. Task Scheduler Job Data
  1. If the issue is that a scheduled job is not run and does not appear in [Monitor] page, collect the following data.
    1. taskschedule.csv file generated with "schtasks /query /fo csv /v > taskschedule.csv" command
    2. The following exported events in Event Viewer (evtx and csv types)
      1. [Applications and Services Log] -> [Microsoft] -> [Windows]-> [TaskScheduler] -> [Operational]
      2. [Applications and Services Log] -> [Microsoft] -> [Windows]-> [TaskScheduler] -> [Maintenance]
  2. If the job is a backup job and the backup target is VMware vSphere, Oracle or SAP HANA, collect the data on SnapCenter server host.
  3. If the job is a backup job and the backup target is Windows file system, Exchange Server, or SQL Server, collect the data on the backup target host.
  4. If the job is a verification job, collect the data on SnapCenter server host.
  1. vSphere Web Client Log Files


If the issue is related to SCV Web GUI on vSphere Web Client, collect vSphere Web Client log files


  1. MySQL Configuration Files and Log Files
  1. If the issue is related to MySQL layer in the SnapCenter repository database, collect the following data.
    1. C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\MySQL Data\my.ini
    2. C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\MySQL Data\my.ini.tmp
    3. C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\MySQL Data\Data\*.err
    4. C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\MySQL Data\Data\*.log
  1. Oracle alert logs and listener logs
  1. If the issue is related to SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle Database (SCO) and Oracle Database layer, collect the following data.
    1. Alert log of Oracle database instance
    2. Listener log
  2. If Oracle Database using ASM, please collect the following data as well.
    1. Alert log of Oracle ASM instance
    2. Listener log 

Note: If Oracle Database is running on Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), collect the above data from all RAC nodes

  1. SnapCenter Custom Plug-in files
If the issue is related to SnapCenter custom plug-in on Windows host, collect <SnapCenter_Install_Dir>\Snapcenter Plug-in Creator\*


NetApp provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability or serviceability of any information or recommendations provided in this publication or with respect to any results that may be obtained by the use of the information or observance of any recommendations provided herein. The information in this document is distributed AS IS and the use of this information or the implementation of any recommendations or techniques herein is a customer's responsibility and depends on the customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational environment. This document and the information contained herein may be used solely in connection with the NetApp products discussed in this document.