Unified Manager cluster discovery timed out after 2 hours
- Views:
- 1,080
- Visibility:
- Public
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- Category:
- active-iq-unified-manager
- Specialty:
- om
- Last Updated:
- 7/9/2024, 6:28:47 PM
Applies to
- OnCommand Unified Manager
- Active IQ Unified Manager
- Manual rediscover of a cluster
Cluster discovery timed out after 2 hours.
/ ocum-error.log
2021-04-30 11:21:52,857 ERROR [umadmin] [job-765] [refresh(cluster=<cluster_name>)|forceAcquisition] [com.netapp.dfm.job.JobEngine] Error executing job 65be23da10a623de:-3a52adc5:17920a0ba9d:-5a4d task 65be23da10a623de:-3a52adc5:17920a0ba9d:-5a4f: Timed out after 02:00:00 while waiting on acquisition forced at 09:21:52.802
2021-04-30 11:21:57,499 ERROR [umadmin] [job-768] [clusterAcquisition(cluster=<cluster_name>)|refresh.wait.storageObject(<cluster_name>)] [com.netapp.dfm.job.JobEngine] Error executing job 65be23da10a623de:-3a52adc5:17920a0ba9d:-5a58 task 65be23da10a623de:-3a52adc5:17920a0ba9d:-5a5d: Monitoring refresh job ID 65be23da10a623de:-3a52adc5:17920a0ba9d:-5a4d for object '<cluster_name>' completed unsuccessfully (Status: FAILED).