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NetApp Knowledge Base

How are different AutoSupport generated cases handled?

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Applies to

  • AutoSupport generated cases


There are several possible handling methods depending on the type of AutoSupport that was received.

Automatic Part Replacement

In cases where there is a clear hardware failure that does not require any further troubleshooting or validation, a replacement part will automatically be shipped out.

Assigned to a Support Engineer

In cases that are unlikely to have been caused by a maintenance and may require further assistance from support beyond the scope of a single knowledge base (KB) article:

  • Case is opened and assigned to a technical support engineer.
  • The Support engineer will make every effort to contact the main contact configured for the system.

Engagement may be delayed if the primary support contact hasn’t been validated in the last 6 months. It is a best practice for the primary support contact to log into the NetApp support site at least every 6 months, this will validate the contact.


Auto Close after 23 hours

Primarily cases where NetApp has found that the issue is usually either self-recovering, related to a system maintenance or activity, or addressed by a KB article that provides the same steps a TSE would share with the customer.

  • Case is opened and not assigned to a technical support engineer
  • An email is sent to the main system contact with next steps, typically:
    1. A KB article describing the issue and next steps.
    2. A URL to update the case.
    3. An explanation that the case will automatically close in 23 hours if there is no customer engagement.
  • If there is no further engagement the case will automatically close after 23 hours.
  • If a note is entered on the case from the support site using the URL the case will be routed to a technical support engineer for assistance


Please note:

  • AutoSupport case handling is subject to change as we regularly assess the handling of auto-generated cases.
  • Behavior may vary depending on support contract level (SupportEdge Advisor/Expert/Premium vs other) and customer preferences related to onsite, drive or memory.
  • This explanation is specific to post-case creation handling and does not supersede SU23 which explains the criteria used to determine whether or not a specific AutoSupport message should create any type of technical case.

Additional Information



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