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FAQs for NTAPLink

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The NTAPLink environment is established to support two specific, temporary use cases:

  • NetApp Partners, Customers, and Guests that are part of Microsoft Azure Active Directory National Cloud and cannot currently use their organization accounts as B2B Guests

  • NetApp Partner users that are members of multiple organizations or subsidiaries, which require different NSS IDs; however, they do not have multiple unique email boxes to align to additional NSS IDs

Partners, Customers, and Guests within these use cases will have a separate MS Azure AD account created in The NTAPLink account will be used to access NetApp applications as a B2B user – just as their organization accounts would be used. 

User Experience

  • When prompted to login to NetApp applications, the login will be The password will be maintained within the NTAPLink environment.
  • The NTAPLink account is associated to the user’s registered email and their legacy NSS ID. All existing entitlements will be available to the NTAPLink account.

Password Requirements

  • 8 character minimum

  • 3 of 4 (lower case, upper case, numbers, symbols)

  • Last password cannot be used

  • Must be changed every 90 days

  • Smart lockout is employed to protect accounts

Password Change

  • Once a password has expired, user will receive a notification at next login that the password has expired and must be changed.
  • The user will enter their current password and set a new password. 

Password Forgotten

Please raise a NetApp Support non-technical case. An automated process is under development.

Account Lifecycle Management

  • As NTAPLink accounts are not directly linked to the organization, lifecycle management is required to ensure the user is still active and a member of the registered organization. 
  • An User Validation link will be sent every 90 days to the registered email. The user will be required to access the link within 30 days of receipt or the account will be disabled.
  • If the user was out of office or unable to access the User Validation link within 30 days, a new User Validation link can be requested via NetApp Support Site based on email or NTAPlink login.
  • A User Validation link will be sent to user registered email. Once the link is activated, the account will be enabled. 

Additional Information




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