SMHV does not delete older version backups from the UI
Applies to
SnapManager for Hyper-V (SMHV)
- Recovery > Protected Resources > Backups in SMHV UI cannot delete backups like below:
- Backups created in earlier release of SMHV
- Backups created by policy that no longer exists
- The PowerShell (PS) command
completes without error but the backups remain in the UI
Delete-Backup -Server <server_name> -backup <backup_name> -ResourceName <resource_name> -verbose
Starting get-backup
VERBOSE: Processing delete-backup..
VERBOSE: The input parameters are being validated.
VERBOSE: Validating the Input VM
VERBOSE: All the Input Parameters are valid.
VERBOSE: The input parameters validation successful.
VERBOSE: Performing the
operation "delete-backup" on target "<host_name>".
VERBOSE: Proceeding with delete-backup .The user confirmed the Input parameters.
VERBOSE: Delete operation successfully completed.
The backups from July before the backups remain