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NetApp Knowledge Base

How to best triage "DIMM mapped out with error 0x30" on ONTAP hardware platforms

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • AFF systems
  • FAS systems


Sample outputs

Initializing System Memory ...

DIMM:5 mapped out. BIOS MRC HW R/W test error. Major / Minor Error Code: 0x30 / 0x1C
Complete channel mapped out.

DIMM: B0 mapped out. BIOS MRC mapped out DIMM. Major Code 0x30 Minor Code 0x13

DIMM:2 mapped out. BIOS MRC HW R/W test error. Major / Minor Error Code: 0x30 / 0x1C
Complete channel mapped out.


For 0x30 Errors, be sure that the system is running the latest BIOS *before* performing any motherboard, DIMM reseats, or replacements.

Platform Minimum BIOS Associated Bug Guide

AFF A700, FAS9000

10.5 Bug 1195242 KB article

AFF80x0, FAS80x0

9.7 Bug 1195423 KB article

AFF A300, AFF A2x0, FAS8200, FAS27x0, FAS26x0

11.5 Bug 1195243 KB article

AFF A400, FAS8300, FAS8700

16.2 Bug 1302510 KB article


You can get the BIOS version from either:

  • The console (during the failed boot)
  • Within maintenance mode (using sysconfig -v)
  • or from ONTAP  sysconfig -v output

::> run -node <node_name| local> -command sysconfig -v

 slot 0: System Board 1.9 GHz (System Board XXII B1)
                Model Name:         FAS2650
                Part Number:        111-02505
                Revision:           B1
                Serial Number:      00000000000
                BIOS version:       11.9
                Loader version:     6.0.10


  • If this occurred during the middle of an ONTAP upgrade; perform the BIOS update and resume the upgrade
  • If the system is not running on a supported fix, update the BIOS from LOADER using this procedure

Additional Information

If the BIOS update does not solve the issue please contact NetApp Technical Support and reference this article


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