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FAS9000/AFF-A700 PCI NMI panics again after CNA replacement

Last Updated:
2/12/2025, 3:31:57 PM

Applies to

  • AFF-A700
  • FAS9000
  • Above models must have CNA card model X91143A
  • ONTAP 9


The FAS9000 or AFF-A700 systems triggers a PCI NMI error and results in a system reboot

  • The Service Processor (SP) system log displays the following error:


Panic String: PCI Error NMI from device(s):ErrSrcID(CorrSrc(0x8460),UCorrSrc(0)), RPT(128,2,0):PLX PCIE 8780 switch on Controller, Br[8780](132,12,0): Link down.  in process idle: cpu24 on release 9.6P3 (C)

  • From the "sysconfig -PCI" command output, it is determined that the link was down between the Motherboard and the card in slot 7.


Br[8780](132,12,0): PLX PCIE 8780 switch on Controller
               Br[8732](137,0,0) in slot 7: PLX PCIE 8732 switch in slot 7 on Controller

  •  "sysconfig -ac" shows details of the card in slot 7.


sysconfig: slot 1 OK: X91143A: Qlogic EP8324 Quad-Port 16Gb FC/10GbE PCIe CNA
sysconfig: slot 2 OK: X91143A: Qlogic EP8324 Quad-Port 16Gb FC/10GbE PCIe CNA
sysconfig: slot 3 OK: X91143A: Qlogic EP8324 Quad-Port 16Gb FC/10GbE PCIe CNA
sysconfig: slot 4 OK: X91440A: 40G high performance
sysconfig: slot 6 OK: X93140A: NetApp NVRAM10
sysconfig: slot 7 OK: X91143A: Qlogic EP8324 Quad-Port 16Gb FC/10GbE PCIe CNA
sysconfig: slot 9 OK: X92071A: PMC PM8072; PCI-E quad-port SAS (PM8072)
sysconfig: slot 10 OK: X91143A: Qlogic EP8324 Quad-Port 16Gb FC/10GbE PCIe CNA
sysconfig: slot 11 OK: X91143A: Qlogic EP8324 Quad-Port 16Gb FC/10GbE PCIe CNA

  • The CNA card in the slot is replaced, and at some point afterwards the controller panics again with the same panic string from the same slot



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