Drive failed with state DriveMissing
Applies to
NetApp Element Software
- One drive is failed and shown under Cluster > Drives > Failed section on the Cluster UI
- NetApp SolidFire Active IQ and Cluster UI shows
1 drive(s) with state: "DriveMissing" driveID: <ID>
alert with the error codedriveFailed
- Possible entries in the Active IQ Events :
{ "throwFile": "shared/BasicFile.cpp", "throwFunction": "size_t solidfire::BasicFile::ReadRaw(uint8_t*, off_t, size_t, solidfire::AllowReadTruncation)", "throwLine": 272, "whatString": "/dev/sd<ID>: Input/output error", "exceptionCode": "xFileReadFailed", "currentStack": "", "streamDetails": 1 }
{ "throwFile": "serviceshared/DiskDataDiskModel.cpp", "throwFunction": "solidfire::DiskFileScanner::LoadFileInfo()::<lambda(solidfire::FileNumber)>::<lambda()>", "throwLine": 204, "whatString": "IO Error reading segment header errno=5 result=0", "exceptionCode": "xSegmentHeaderReadIOError", "currentStack": "", "streamDetails": 1 }
{ "currentStack": "", "exceptionCode": "xFileReadFailed", "streamDetails": 1, "throwFile": "shared/BasicFile.cpp", "throwFunction": "size_t solidfire::BasicFile::ReadRaw(uint8_t*, off_t, size_t, solidfire::AllowReadTruncation)", "throwLine": 286, "whatString": "/dev/sdf: Input/output error" }