What is the proper way to shut down and power on an ONTAP Select cluster?
Applies to
- ONTAP Select
- VMware ESXi
- vSphere
Graceful shutdown:
- Sign in to the ONTAP command line interface and halt the node(s).
- Single Node Cluster:
Single::> halt
(system node halt)
Warning: Are you sure you want to halt node "Single"? {y|n}: y
- Select-HA (two or more node) Cluster:
HA::> halt -node * -skip-lif-migration-before-shutdown true -inhibit-takeover true -ignore-quorum-warnings true
(system node halt)
Warning: Are you sure you want to halt node "HA-01"? {y|n}: y
Warning: Are you sure you want to halt node "HA-02"? {y|n}: y
- Check in vCenter and verify the node(s) is/are powered off.
Power on:
- To power up the nodes, select 'Power On' in vSphere on the Select VM. The node(s) will boot up to the login prompt.
- After the Select nodes are booted, perform a Cluster Refresh using the Select Deploy VM to make sure the powered on Select VMs are recognized correctly.
Additional Information
- ONTAP Deploy can stay powered on while ONTAP Select Nodes are powered off.
- Shutting down ONTAP Select VMs has no impact on the ONTAP Deploy VM.