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What is "PEAK_PERFORMANCE" line in Active IQ Digital Advisor or the headroom in ONTAP?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Active IQ (AIQUM)
  • CPU/DISK utilization


  • The peak performance line represents the limit after which performance may become degraded.
    • It is a calculated value based on a complex internal algorithm of your platform type and historical workload.
  • After resource ( CPU/DISK ) utilization reaches the peak performance line, the latency may increase. 
  • The difference between the current utilization and peak performance line represents performance capacity (HEADROOM).
    • Note: Active IQ Unified Manager's performance capacity graphs allow for more refined computation which can be done separately from ONTAP but have the same concept as ONTAP's onboard headroom calculations
  • To understand if the issue is based on CPU/DISK utilization see the following  KB: How do I know if CPU is causing a performance issue?

Additional Information

  • The resource_headroom_aggr and resource_headroom_cpu objects can be used to calculate headroom

Example: The aggregate headroom output is shown below

Note: The output is the same for CPU headroom

Cluster::> set -privilege diag

Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Cluster::*> statistics start -object resource_headroom_ (Tab key pushed here)
    resource_headroom_aggr resource_headroom_cpu
Cluster::*> statistics start -object resource_headroom_aggr
Statistics collection is being started for sample-id: sample_219
Cluster::*> statistics show

Object: resource_headroom_aggr
Instance: DISK_HDD_node1_1_FC_1_9efd97e7-9c33-4252-8598-88424de957cc
Start-time: 1/10/2023 23:09:53
End-time: 1/10/2023 23:09:56
Elapsed-time: 3s
Scope: node1

    Counter                                                     Value
    -------------------------------- --------------------------------
    current_driver_qtime                                          0us
    current_latency                                               0us
    current_ops                                                     0
    current_utilization                                            0%
    ewm_std_dev_daily                                               -
                                 ops                                9
                   optimal_point_ops                               37
                             latency                            35580
               optimal_point_latency                           374170
                         utilization                                9
           optimal_point_utilization                               26
    ewm_std_dev_hourly                                              -
                                 ops                                4
                   optimal_point_ops                               36
                             latency                            19376
               optimal_point_latency                           160386
                         utilization                                1
           optimal_point_utilization                               20


  • Optimal outputs are provided in groupings like 'ewm_std_dev_daily' and 'ewm_std_dev_hourly'.
  • The delta between the current and optimal values is the Headroom Available for the resource.
  • If the current values (or current_utilization in AIQUM) exceed the optimal point values (or peak_performance in AIQUM) it is expected to see potentially high increases in resource latency which could translate to increases in protocol/client data latency.
current_latency The current operation latency of the resource.  Units are microseconds.
current_ops The current throughput of the resource in ops.  This is derived from an approximation of client ops.  Units are ops/s. 
current_utilization The current utilization of the resource. Units are percent.
optimal_point_ops The optimal point of ops derived from the latency/utilzation curve for the given interval (daily, hourly, etc).  This is derived from an approximation of client ops. Units are ops/s. 
optimal_point_latency The optimal latency point of the latency/utilization curve for the given interval (daily, hourly, etc).  This is derived from network and system latency per volume workload.  Units are microseconds.
optimal_point_utilization The optimal utilization point of the latency/utilization curve for the given interval (daily, hourly, etc). Units are percent.  



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