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NetApp Knowledge Base

General guidance for collecting data for performance analysis ONTAP 7Mode and Cdot

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 7mode
  • Cdot


This is general guidance for collecting data for performance analysis.

Data collection depends on:

  • type of the issue which we need to investigate
  • protocol used for accessing data
  • infrastructure (type of network)

In some corner cases, data must be collected at multiple point in time and during different phases of reported issue.

For example, if the issue is reported for slow backup process or execution of some scrips takes longer then usually, data must be collected during whole process of backup and also during “normal” time of backup (period in which backup was not taking “much longer”).

It is crucial to collect data for performance analysis during ongoing issue which needs to be documented by providing exact timestamp.

 There are 2 major tools for collecting data:

For systems running ONTAP version 8.3 and later: Performance archive (preferred tool) and perfstat


For 7mode systems: Perfstat (version7.39)

Download link:


Decision about timeframe for single iteration (-t parameter), number of iterations ( -i ) and number of runs may vary based on issue and is provided by TSE working on the issue via action plan.

Parameter -t (number of minutes after which counters will be collected and again zeroed) in most of the performance troubleshooting is set to 5 (5 minutes).


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