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What are performance archives and how are they triggered?

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  • Performance content is collected and stored (archived) on each system:
    • Metrics like node and volume performance statistics are logged.
    • Data is kept on the root volume for a rolling 28 days by default.
    • Data is constantly logged, so there is no starting or stopping advanced logging.
    • There is minimal overhead to keep latency down.
  • Using the AutoSupport(tm) infrastructure, a Performance Archive can be created and uploaded to NetApp.
  • Performance archives do not replace performance monitoring or help with sizing as they are intended to troubleshoot ONTAP performance issues.
How to upload a Performance Archive?
  1. Confirm the AutoSupport transport is HTTP or HTTPS:
    • Cluster::> autosupport show -fields transport
      node            transport
      --------------- ---------
      node1           https
    • Performance archives are typically 50 MB or bigger when compressed so ONTAP is hard coded to not transmit if transport is SMTP.
    • To switch to HTTPS from SMTP, which does allow larger file sizes to be transferred, use the command: system node autosupport modify -node * -transport https
    • If the transport is SMTP and the other methods do not work or are not allowed in the environment, use the manual method with 7zip files or OneCollect to gather the data.
  1. Run the system node autosupport invoke-performance-archive command:
    • Cluster::> system node autosupport invoke-performance-archive -start-date "11/31/2022 06:00:00" -duration 4h -case-number 2008123456 -node *
    • The following are the options for the command:
      • -start-date <"MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS">
        • Timezone will be the filer's time, as in the event log show output or EMS log.
      • -duration <[ h][ m][ s]> (or -end-date)
      • -node *
      • -case-number


  • It is important to note that the maximum duration for any single collection is 6 hours and the recommended sample period is 4 hours.
    • Anything less than 2 hours will miss some hourly counters.
    • The time entered in -start-date should reflect the time in the filer's time zone.
    • The -start-date must be at least the specified -duration hours in the past, otherwise complete time-frame will not be collected.
    • No error message will be displayed indicating that complete -duration was not collected.
  • It is best to start on the top of the hour and end on the top of the hour to capture the hourly counters.
    • The whole cluster must be triggered since workload statistics are measured across the cluster.
    • Ideally getting the hour before and after the performance event is recommended.
    • It is recommended for the Date format to be in quotes.
  1. Use the following commands to view the progress of the Performance Archive upload:

::> autosupport history show-upload-details -node <node name> -seq-num <seq-num>

  • The performance archive will show up on Active IQ for the node on the AutoSupport page.
  • Once the performance archive is uploaded and appears on Active IQ, it will be available after a period of time for Support to review.
What if performance archive does not work?
  • Troubleshoot Autosupports using the ONTAP AutoSupport Resolution Guide.
  • Verify if Performance Archive is enabled and the date of the archive you're requesting is less than retention period (28 days by default):

::> set diagnostic
::*> statistics archive config show

verify field:
Is the Performance Archive Enabled?: true

if false, enable it by running the following command:
::*> statistics archive config modify -is-enabled true

Note: EMS events will also report the following message when the Performance Archive is disabled:
::*> event log show  -event perf*
Time                Node             Severity      Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------
INFORMATIONAL Performance archiver is not enable

  • Please make sure that both the state and support parameters of AutoSupport are enabled. If not, use autosupport modify command to allow them.

aff200-2n-dal-1::> autosupport show -node * -fields state,support
node          state  support
------------- ------ -------
aff200-dal-1a enable disable
aff200-dal-1b enable disable
2 entries were displayed.

Example of failure:

aff200-2n-dal-1::> autosupport show -instance

                                           Node: aff200-dal-1a
                                          State: enable
                                SMTP Mail Hosts: mailhost
                                   From Address: Postmaster
                           List of To Addresses: -
          (DEPRECATED) List of Noteto Addresses: -
                      List of Partner Addresses: -
    Send AutoSupport Messages to Vendor Support: disable 
                    Protocol to Contact Support: https
                     Support URL for HTTP/HTTPS:
                     Support URL for HTTP/S PUT:
                              Support Proxy URL:
                                Support Address:
                               Hostname Subject: false
                        (DEPRECATED) NHT Enable: true
                        Performance Data Enable: true

aff200-2n-dal-1::> system node autosupport invoke-performance-archive -start-date "10/15/2024 15:00:00" -duration 1h -node aff200-dal-1a  -uri "file:///mroot/etc/log/autosupport/perfachivefile1"
The AutoSupport was successfully invoked on node "aff200-dal-1a" (sequence number: 134).

AutoSupport will be saved to mroot/etc/log/autosupport/perfachivefile1.7z.

aff200-2n-dal-1::> autosupport history show -node aff200-dal-1a -seq-num 134
             Seq                                    Attempt  Percent  Last
Node         Num   Destination Status               Count    Complete Update
------------ ----- ----------- -------------------- -------- -------- --------
                   retransmit  ignore               -        -        10/15/2024 16:17:52

Why would perfstat be needed?
  • Support will request a perfstat.
  • On ONTAP releases up to 9.5, some data may be missing and Support will ask for a perfsat.
  • Only gather if requested by Support.
  • Sometimes the sales team may request to gather performance data for sizing.
How can a storage administrator look at the content within a performance archive?

Additional Information



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