What does "callhome.spares.low" mean?
Applies to
- callhome.spares events
This message occurs when one or more RAID groups do not have an eligible spare disk drive available in case of a disk drive failure.
- An eligible spare disk drive must be the correct size and capacity and must be in the appropriate pool.
- If a disk drive fails without a spare to reconstruct on, the system enters degraded mode.
- This includes replaced drives that have not been assigned yet. Refer to Spares Low Resolution guide
- If your system is configured to do so, it generates and transmits an AutoSupport (or ''call home'') message to NetApp technical support and to the configured destinations.
Additional Information
- With the ONTAP 9.12.1 code change via Bug ID 944990 - System no longer halts if a RAID aggregate remains degraded for 24 hours, the default system behavior is changed to not halt if an aggregate is completely degraded.