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What are the ONTAP maintenance mode commands

not set
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Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Maintenance Mode


The ONTAP maintenance mode is used for low level commands where there is only a rudimentary kernel loaded and no disk I/O is active.

There are (2) ways to boot into the ONTAP Maintenance mode.
  • First, on boot, you can hit the Ctrl-C key sequence:
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* Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu. *
^CBoot Menu will be available.

then select Option 5 from the Boot Menu

(5)  Maintenance mode boot.

  • The second is to boot directly into maintenance mode with

LOADER> boot_ontap maint

The complete list of commands available, current as of ONTAP 9.14.1:
You have selected the maintenance boot option:
the system has booted in maintenance mode allowing the following operations to be performed:        

        ?                       acorn
        acpadmin                aggr
        batch_snap              bootargs
        cdpd                    cna_flash
        coredump_save           coredump_show
        coredump_zero           disk
        disk_list               disk_shelf
        diskcopy                disktest
        dumpblock               environment
        fctest                  fru_led
        ha-config               halt
        help                    ifconfig
        iftp                    led_off
        led_on                  lldp
        nicadmin                nv8
        psmadmin                raid_config
        sasadmin                sasstat
        scsi                    sldiag
        storage                 stsb
        sysconfig               systemshell
        ucadmin                 version
        vlist                   vmdisk_object_store
        vmservices              vol

Type "help <command>" for more details.

For some of the more commonly used commands, their details are as follows:

*> aggr
The following commands are available; for more information
type "aggr help <command>"
clear_rpbits        options             rename              snaprestore_cancel
destroy             quota_off           restrict            status
offline             read_fsid           rewrite_fsid        undestroy
online              rebuildtree

*> disk
usage: disk <options>
Options are:
        assign {<disk_name> | all | [-T <storage type> | -shelf <shelf name>] [-n <count>] | auto} [-p <pool>]                      {[-o <ownername>] [-s <sysid>] | [-copy-ownership-from <disk-name>]} [-c block|advanced_zoned] [-f] - assign a disk to a filer or all unowned disks by specifying "all"  or <count> number of unowned disks
        ddr_label {repair | print | delete | dumpraw | rm_qualtable | modify [-c]                                            -o <offset> -v <value> | start_scan | pause_scan | resume_scan | error_scan | rediscover | reinit } [-f]                   [-d all | <disk_list>]
        dumpevents { sanown | config_checker | raid } - Dumps the sanown/config-checker/raid event queue since boot
        encrypt { lock | rekey | destroy | revert_original | sanitize | show }                                               - perform tasks specific to self-encrypting disks
        partition { { -n { 2 | 3 } [-u <pool_uuid>] } | { -n <num_parts> -u <pool_uuid> } } [-i <part_idx> -b <raw_blks>].. <disk_name> - partition a disk
        power_cycle [ -f ] { [-d <disk_list>] | [ -c <channel_name> [ -s <shelf_number> ] ] }                                - power-cycle one or more disks
        reassign {-s <old_sysid>} [-d <new_sysid>] [-p <partner_sysid>]- reassign disks from old filer
        remove_ownership [<disk_name> | all | -s <sysid>] [-f] - revert/remove disk ownership
(9.5+)  sanitize { start | abort | status | release } - sanitize one or more disks                                                  sanown_stats {start| stop| show }- collect sanown event stats
        show [-o <ownername> | -s <sysid> | -n | -v | -a]  - lists disks and owners
        unfail [-s] <disk_name>     - unfail a disk  (-s  not valid in maintenance mode)
        unpartition {<disk_name> | all} - unpartition a partitioned disk or unpartition all the partitioned disks

*> diskcopy
diskcopy -s <source-disk-name> -d <destination-disk-name>
diskcopy -i -s <source-disk-name> -d <destination-disk-name> to invoke skip mode immediately
use -n <sectors> option to use a default size different than 4096 sectors
use -o to do no retries of I/O's at the SCSI layer (USE WITH CAUTION!)
(9.5+) use -r <MB>, greater than 2MB to tune report size instead of using default progress report for every 100MB


*> ha-config
    ha-config modify { controller | chassis } { ha | non-ha | mcc | mcc-2n | default }
    ha-config show

*> storage
usage: storage <subcommand>
subcommands are:
        disable adapter <name>
        enable adapter <name>
        help <sub_command>
        trace info { adapter [<adapter_name>] | device [<device_name>] | ses_drv | disk_shelf [<disk_shelf_name>] | ses_proc | all }
        trace dump { adapter [<adapter_name>] | device [<device_name>] | ses_drv | disk_shelf [<disk_shelf_name>] | ses_proc | all } -f <out_file>
        rename switch <oldname> <newname>
        release disks [ -f ]
        release { mc | tape } <name>
        shelf identify <shelf-name> { on | off }
        show adapter [ -a ] [ <name> ]
        show disk [ -a | -x | -p | -T ] [ <name> ]
        show expander [ -a ] [ <expander-name> ]
        show bridge [ -v ] [ <bridge-name> ]
        show fabric
        show fault [ -a ] [ -v ] [ <shelf-name> ]
        show hub [ -a ] [ -e ] [ <hub-name> ]
        show initiators [-a]
        show mc [ <name> ]
        show port [ <name> ]
        show shelf [ -a ] [ -e ] [ <shelf-name> ]
        show switch [ <name> ]
        show tape [ <name> ]
        show tape supported [ -v ]
        show acp [ -a ]
        stats tape <name>
        stats tape zero <name>
        power_cycle shelf -h
        power_cycle shelf start [-f] -c <channel_name> [-s <shelf_id>]
        power_cycle shelf completed
        bridge log

*>ucadmin modify -m <fc | cna> -t <initiator | target> -f <adapter_name> Note that the -t parameter is only required for fc mode.

Additional Information


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