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Intermittent Autosupport transmission failures due to switch port issues

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  • Autosupport transmissions intermittently fail for one node:

::> autosupport history show -node Node-02 -seq-num 7870 -instance

                            Node: Node-02
     AutoSupport Sequence Number: 7870
Destination for This AutoSupport:  http
                   Trigger Event:
   Time of Last Update: 4/26/2024 03:29:24
              Status of Delivery: transmission-failed
               Delivery Attempts: 15
             AutoSupport Subject: PERFORMANCE DATA
                    Delivery URI:
                      Last Error: OpenSSL SSL_read: Operation timed out, errno 60
              Time of Generation: 4/26/2024 00:00:04

  • Autosupports are sent successfully for all the remaining nodes in the cluster.
  • From the NOTIFYD.GZ logs of the impacted node, it is observed that ONTAP can successfully collect the logs but the connection is closed due to operation timeout:

[kern_notifyd:info:1549] Creating autosupport with sequence number 7924, event
[kern_notifyd:info:1549] Beginning collection for autosupport with seq num 7924
[kern_notifyd:info:1549] Successfully completed collection for autosupport with sequence number 7924

[kern_notifyd:info:1549] (category: 1549:7924:deliver) (emittime: 5/21/2024 03:42:34) (message: HTTP 1.1 or later with persistent connection)
[kern_notifyd:info:1549] (category: 1549:7924:deliver) (emittime: 5/21/2024 03:42:34) (message: HTTP/1.1 100 Continue)
[kern_notifyd:info:1549] (category: 1549:7924:deliver) (emittime: 5/21/2024 03:49:06) (message: OpenSSL SSL_read: Operation timed out, errno 60)
[kern_notifyd:info:1549] (category: 1549:7924:deliver) (emittime: 5/21/2024 03:49:06) (message: Marked for [closure]: Transfer returned error)
[kern_notifyd:info:1549] (category: 1549:7924:deliver) (emittime: 5/21/2024 03:49:06) (message: multi_done)
[kern_notifyd:info:1549] (category: 1549:7924:deliver) (emittime: 5/21/2024 03:49:06) (message: The cache now contains 0 members)
[kern_notifyd:info:1549] (category: 1549:7924:deliver) (emittime: 5/21/2024 03:49:06) (message: Closing connection 1)

  • Multiple retries are observed for the autosuppports that fail and that are sent successfully:

::> autosupport history show -node Node-02
             Seq                                    Attempt  Percent  Last
Node         Num   Destination Status               Count    Complete Update
------------ ----- ----------- -------------------- -------- -------- --------
                   smtp        ignore               1        -        7/9/2024 00:47:00
                    http       sent-successful      7        100      7/9/2024 00:47:10
                   noteto      ignore               1        -        7/9/2024 00:47:00
                   smtp        ignore               1        -        7/8/2024 01:01:29
                    http       transmission-failed  15       46       7/8/2024 05:27:15
                   noteto      ignore               1        -        7/8/2024 01:01:29

  • The autosupport logs are sent successfully in the first attempt after migrating the node-mgmt LIF of the impacted node to another port.

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