Event logs are not received by the Syslog server because event filter is not added to syslog destination
Applies to
- Syslog
- The logs are not received at the Syslog server when the event is generated.
- The connection from the node and Syslog server is verified to be as expected.
- Syslog server is configured as a destination for forwarding event logs:
Cluster::> event notification destination show
Name Type Destination
-------------- ---------- ---------------------
Syslog-server syslog
snmp-traphost snmp - (from "system snmp traphost")
- A new event filter is configured for forwarding specific events to the Syslog server:
Cluster::> event filter show
Filter Name Rule Rule Message Name SNMP Trap Type Severity
Position Type
----------- -------- --------- ---------------------- --------------- --------
1 include * Severity-based *
2 include * Built-in INFORMATIONAL
3 include * * INFORMATIONAL
4 exclude * * *
- The test events generated are not triggered on the node as well:
Cluster::> set diag
Cluster::*> event generate -node Node-01 -message-name wafl.vol.offline -values test,test1,test2,test3,test4
Cluster::*> event notification history show -destination Syslog-server
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