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NetApp Knowledge Base

Does a volume move between two NAE Fabricpool aggregates require cloud tier re-key?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Fabricpool
  • NetApp Aggregate Encryption


  • Cloud tier data is not re-keyed when both, source and destination NAE aggregates being involved in the volume move, are attached to the same Fabricpool configuration, using the identical S3 bucket for cloud tier.
  • Performance tier data (including metadata, which always remains in performance tier) is re-keyed during a volume move between two Fabricpool NAE aggregates.

Additional Information

  • Due to the requirement to re-key the performance tier (meta-)data during volume move between two NAE Fabricpool aggregates, the volume move can be slower when compared against volume moves where no data re-keying is required.
  • Still, a volume move between two NAE Fabricpool Aggregates that are attached to identical Fabricpool S3 bucket is an optimized volume move and does not re-tier any cloud tier data, refer Why does volume move copy cloud tiered data on releases 9.6 and above.
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