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NetApp Knowledge Base

Troubleshooting for ses.shelf.drwr.phy.rateunkwn against one shelf triggers Disk Reconstruction

Last Updated:
1/24/2024, 3:02:12 PM

Applies to

  • DS460 Shelf
  • DS shelf firmware 3.10
  • ONTAP 9


  • Cluster reporting ses.shelf.drwr.phy.rateunkwn against one shelf. Example:
[node_name: dsa_worker0:]: [DCM5-1] on channels 0c shelf ID 20 IOM B bay - reports running disparity errors.
[node_name: dsa_worker4:]: Port [DCM5-1] on channels 0c shelf ID 20 IOM B disabled due to excessive invalid dword error.
[node_name: dsa_worker4: callhome.hostport.disable:debug]: Call home for HOST_PORT_FAIL - Disabled by IOM               
[node_name: dsa_disc: ses.shelf.drwr.phy.rateunkwn:debug]: Drive shelf 20, module B, drawer 5, PHY 13 is reporting an unknown link rate.
  • The issue remains after a shelf firmware upgrade to version 0310
  • The issue remains after the IOM re-seat of the reported shelf
  • The issue remains after SAS and Snake (Chain) drawer cables of the reported drawers.
  • Missing paths recovered during disk re-seat against reported drives in phy.rateunkwn messages.
  • During the disk re-seat, the cluster reports DISK REDUNDANCY FAILED messages. Example:

[node_name: dsa_disc: callhome.dsk.redun.fault:error]: Call home for DISK REDUNDANCY FAILED

  • The disks re-seated were part of the same RAID group and a reconstruction started.


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